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Replacing square brackets content to html

I try to change my code highlighting tags to match syntax highlighter from Alex Gorbatchev.

This is how my source code looks like:

[csharp]//awesome code[/csharp]

This is how it should look like:

<pre brush: csharp>//awesome code</pre>

I want to put the allowed tags into an array. So the pseudo code will be something like this:


So I need something to change my tags before I can call the methods from the code highlighter

jQuery is available.

Use string.replace function.

> "[csharp]//awesome code[/csharp]".replace(/\[csharp\]([\s\S]*?)\[\/csharp\]/g, "<pre brush: csharp>$1</pre>")
'<pre brush: csharp>//awesome code</pre>'

[\\s\\S]*? Matches any space or non-space characters non-greedily. So,

  • \\[csharp\\] Matches the starting [csharp] tag.
  • ([\\s\\S]*?) Captures any number of in-between characters.
  • \\[\\/csharp\\] Matches the closing [/csharp] tag.
  • By replacing the matched characters with <pre brush: csharp> plus the characters inside group index 1 plus </pre> will give you the desired output.

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