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GoogleMock: Expect either of two method calls

I have a class Foo that references multiple other objects of type IBar . The class has a method fun that needs to invoke method frob on at least one of those IBar s. I want to write a test with mocked IBar s that verifies this requirement. I'm using GoogleMock. I currently have this:

class IBar { public: virtual void frob() = 0; };
class MockBar : public IBar { public: MOCK_METHOD0(frob, void ()); };

class Foo {
  std::shared_ptr<IBar> bar1, bar2;
  Foo(std::shared_ptr<IBar> bar1, std::shared_ptr<IBar> bar2)
      : bar1(std::move(bar1)), bar2(std::move(bar2))
  void fun() {
    assert(condition1 || condition2);
    if (condition1) bar1->frob();
    if (condition2) bar2->frob();

TEST(FooTest, callsAtLeastOneFrob) {
  auto bar1 = std::make_shared<MockBar>();
  auto bar2 = std::make_shared<MockBar>();
  Foo foo(bar1, bar2);

  EXPECT_CALL(*bar1, frob()).Times(AtMost(1));
  EXPECT_CALL(*bar2, frob()).Times(AtMost(1));


However, this doesn't verify that either bar1->frob() or bar2->frob() is called, only that neither is called more than once.

Is there a way in GoogleMock to test for a minimum number of calls on a group of expectations, like a Times() function I can call on an ExpectationSet ?

This can be achieved using check points :

using ::testing::MockFunction;

MockFunction<void()> check_point;
EXPECT_CALL(*bar1, frob())
        InvokeWithoutArgs(&check_point, &MockFunction<void()>::Call);
EXPECT_CALL(*bar2, frob())
        InvokeWithoutArgs(&check_point, &MockFunction<void()>::Call);
EXPECT_CALL(check_point, Call())

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