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Properly escaping shell arguments in Ruby

Here is the code:

desc "Find 301 errors on production servers"
task :find301 do
  command = "grep 'HTTP/1.1\" 301' /var/log/httpd/*ssl-access.log | grep -v 'gclid' | awk '{print \$7}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr"

  production_servers.each do |server|
    sh "ssh root@#{server} #{command}"

Is there a better way to escape the shell command, preferably in a format that allows sh "ssh root@#{server} #{command}" to be used with arbitrary command s?

使用require 'shellwords'Shellwords.escape您可以在“ shellescape ”和“ Shellwords ”中找到有关这些的更多信息。


%Q|these don't need to be escaped /\"'"'{}[]-_+=()!@#$%^&*`~;:<>.,|

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