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Converation from array of Bytes to Struct. Swift

I have dump of bytes and i need to parse structures

c++ exmpl:


how can i do it on swift?

The equivalent of your C code would be:

let s = UnsafePointer<SomeStruct>(bufPtr).memory

(assuming bufPtr is of a type that UnsafePointer has an unnamed-argument initializer for - if not you may need another specific initializer, or to do a bit more coercion.)

Same caveats that would apply in C/C++ apply here ie if it turns out bufPtr doesn't point to a SomeStruct , you'll be sorry.

If on the other hand you want to step through the bytes one by one, you could create an var ptr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(bufPtr) , which can be indexed and incremented like a C pointer (ie ptr[i] and ++ptr ).

If you know in advance how many bytes you've read, you can also stick it in a buffer ( let buf = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: i) ) which lets you treat it like a regular collection (use with for-in , map , find etc). Again, the key is in the name – this is unsafe if you screw up the count.

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