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How to set a css class for a selected node in a tree?

I am using a Dijit Tree, and I need to change the CSS style for a node when selected (focus). Lets imagine a node is black when "deselected", and it becames red when "selected" and viceversa.

What should I change in my code?

var tree = new Tree({
                model: this._model,
                showRoot: true,
                autoExpand: true,
                persist: false,
                getLabel: function (item) {
                    return item.name;
                onClick: function (item, node, event) {

如果要更新所选节点的css,则应像这样覆盖css: .claro .dijitTreeRowSelected { color: red }这是一个简单的jsfiddle,它将使所选标签变成红色,并将鼠标悬停在一个绿色上: http ://jsfiddle.net/edchat/dox42qye/15/

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