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C# MVC : MapRoute is adding /index to urls after I changed the default Route

as you know MVC default route is

            new {
                 controller = "Home",
                 action = "Index",
                 id = UrlParameter.Optional

and calling Url.Action("") was returning "/MyController"

After I changed the default route to :

            new {
                controller = "Home",
                action = "Index",
                id = UrlParameter.Optional,
                slug = UrlParameter.Optional

Now calling Url.Action("") is returning "/MyController/Index"

The problem is the "/index" . it seems it's ignoring action = "Index" in route defaults.

I think it's happening because of adding {slug} to route.

note: when I call /MyController it's working like before. but Url.Action("") behavior is changed.

How can I solve this problem ?

出乎意料的是,我将两个 Routes都放在了route config中,它解决了问题。但是我认为这对Url.Action()来说是不当行为

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