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<template> initialization event with polymer.js

Using Polymer I can use the <template> -tag outside of a <polymer-element> using the is='auto-binding' attribute. How can I know in Javascript however that the <template> has actually been initialized. I have tried listening for every possible event I could think of and browsed the source code as well for a bit, but can't seem to find any pointers anywhere although I assume this must be possible.

If what I mean is hard to comprehend a simple jsfiddle showing the issue can be found here , though I think the description above should suffice.

You want to listen for the template-bound event. It's mentioned at the bottom of this section .

<template is="auto-binding" id="tmpl">
  <input value="{{test}}">

  var tmpl = document.querySelector('#tmpl');
  tmpl.test = 123;
  tmpl.addEventListener('template-bound', function() {
    console.log('template bound fired!');

I shot a screencast on auto-binding templates which covers this a bit more.

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