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PHP decode, alter and encode JSON

I'm guessing this has already been answered somewhere, but I can't find the solution I'm tearing my hair out. I have a JSON array stored in MySQL like this:


I want to replace the "ip" and "name" of a specific object. So I set $slot_num to something like 0 and try to alter the values and UPDATE the database. The SELECT clause below should be fine because it's used several times elsewhere.

//Recieves POST info such as ip=
$ip = $_POST['ip'];
$group_id = $_POST['group'];
$slot_num = $_POST['slot'] -1; //PHP receives slot num increased by 1. IE- $slot_num 1 would be array[0]
$name = $_POST['name'];

if($result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `open_groups` WHERE `group_id` = $group_id")) {
    $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
    $slot_ar = json_decode($row['players'], true);
    //Check if array has correct number slots
    if($slot_num => count($slot_ar) || !is_int($slot_num)){
        die('Injection attempt');

    $slot_ar[$slot_num]['ip'] = $ip;
    $slot_ar[$slot_num]['name'] = $name;
    $players = json_encode($slot_ar);
    $players = $mysqli->real_escape_string($players);
    if(!$mysqli->query("UPDATE `open_group` SET players = '$players' WHERE group_id = $group_id")) {
        echo $mysqli->error;
    if(!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO `occupied`(`ip`, `group`) VALUES ('$ip', '$group_id')")) {
        echo $mysqli->error;
    echo "Success";
else echo $mysqli->error;

Am I accessing the array incorrectly or something?

Fixed code

$ip = $_POST['ip'];
$group_id = $_POST['group'];
$slot_num = $_POST['slot']; //PHP receives slot num increased by 1. IE- $slot_num 1 would be array[0]
$name = $_POST['name'];

if($result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `open_groups` WHERE `group_id` = $group_id")) {
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$slot_ar = json_decode($row['players'], true);
//Check if array has correct number slots
if($slot_num-1 >= count($slot_ar) || !is_numeric($slot_num)){
    echo "Injection attempt";
$slot_ar[$slot_num-1]['ip'] = "$ip";
$slot_ar[$slot_num-1]['name'] = "$name";
$players = json_encode($slot_ar);
$players = $mysqli->real_escape_string($players);
if(!$mysqli->query("UPDATE `open_groups` SET players = '$players' WHERE `group_id` = $group_id")) {
    echo "Update error";
if(!$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO `occupied`(`ip`, `group`) VALUES ('$ip', '$group_id')")) {
    echo "Occupied error";
echo "Success";
else echo "Fail";

you need to escape $players because json array is full of quotations so when you are inserting it into database using a query, mysql would have trouble in executing and understanding it.
also try to place variables inside single quotes after escaping it. Try this:

$players = $mysqli->real_escape_string($players);
$mysqli->query("UPDATE `open_group` SET players = '$players' WHERE group_id = '$group_id' ");

As AlexanderO'Mara pointed out, you really should go with bind_param() over mysqli_escape_string() which has been proven unreliable on some occasions. I use PDO statement so this is untested.

Source : mysqli real escape string, should I use it?

$slot_num = $_POST['num'];
$name = $_POST['name'];

// Initial select
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `open_groups` WHERE `group_id` = ?";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param('d', $group_id);

if ($stmt->errno) {
  die("Error : " . $stmt->error);

$result = $stmt->get_result();
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $slot_ar = json_decode($row['players'], true); //Get JSON array

    // Make sure $slot_num isn't bigger than desired
    if($slot_num > count($slot_ar) || !is_int($slot_num)){
        die('Injection attempt');
    // Store new variables in the array
    $slot_ar[$slot_num]['ip'] = "$ip";
    $slot_ar[$slot_num]['name'] = "$name";

    // encode the new $players
    $players = json_encode($slot_ar);

    // new SQL query
    $sql = "UPDATE `open_group` SET players = ? WHERE group_id = ?";
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->bind_param('sd', $players, $group_id);
    if ($stmt->errno) {
      die("Error : " . $stmt->error);


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