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Convert decimal to binary using recursion

I got the following code:

public class decToBin {

public static void main(String args[]) {

    int number = 32;


public static String decToBinWrapper(int number) {

    return decToBin(number, "");

public static String decToBin(int number, String bin) {
    if (number >= 1)
        return decToBin(number / 2, bin + Integer.toString(number % 2));
        return "0";


which is supposed to convert a decimal to binary but it only prints "0" instead of the binary string. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please?

You should return the bin variable:

    return bin;

You also want to prepend Integer.toString(number % 2) to the previous String, not append it:

return decToBin(number / 2, Integer.toString(number % 2) + bin);
    return "0";

I think you probably meant return bin , since you're accumulating into that string. You're just discarding bin in your current implementation.

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