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awk, grep usage for combining/comparing snmp output

I have two snmpwalk outputs (non-sorted):

. = Counter32: 1
. = Counter32: 7
. = Counter32: 4
. = Counter32: 4


. = STRING: "building_1"
. = STRING: "building_2"

I'm trying to get an output similar to this:

building_1.0: 1
building_1.1: 7
building_2.0: 4
building_2.1: 4

I haven't been able to get this to work. Can this be achieved using grep within multiple awk statements? Is there a cleaner way to do it with awk?

EDIT: My attempts don't seem very relevant; since I'm uncertain if awk has the ability to do what I'm trying to do, I haven't been able to come up with a working attempt.

using awk

create a file named awkscript and add the following codes

for(i in array){
    if(match1==$1){print $4 substr(name[1],23,2) ": " name[4]}

run script

awk -f path_to_awkscript  path_to_fileA   path_to_fileB 

where fileA contains

. = Counter32: 1
. = Counter32: 7
. = Counter32: 4
. = Counter32: 4

and fileB contains

. = STRING: "building_1"
. = STRING: "building_2"

testing output

if fileA contains

. = Counter32: 1
. = Counter32: 7
. = Counter32: 4
. = Counter32: 4
. = Counter32: 1
. = Counter32: 10
. = Counter32: 13

and fileB contains

. = STRING: "building_1"
. = STRING: "building_2"
. = STRING: "building_10"

The output will be

building_1.1: 7
building_1.0: 1
building_2.1: 4
building_2.0: 4
building_10.1: 13

Note also

. = Counter32: 1
. = Counter32: 10

The above do not have a building address in fileB that corresponds to a line in fileA, therefore it is omitted

I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, but this got me close enough to where I wanted to be:

awk -F"[.| ]" 'FNR==NR{f1[$2$3$4$5$6$7]=$0;next}$2$3$4$5$6$7 in f1{print f1[$2$3$4$5$6$7], $0}' file2 file1


. = STRING: "building_1" . = Counter32: 1
. = STRING: "building_1" . = Counter32: 7
. = STRING: "building_2" . = Counter32: 4
. = STRING: "building_2" . = Counter32: 4

Which can easily be manipulated into the output I was aiming for.

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