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This spring send json got 404

I've tried for awhile, how come this thing does not get a response? It always couldn't find the url mapping/404 not found. I am trying to send json request to localhost/test and wish I could get any response, but invain.

This is my web.xml file

    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
    "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd" >        

This is the dispather-servlet.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring- beans-3.0.xsd">

    <bean name="test" class="com.my.controller.TestController"></bean>     


This is the TestController.java:

public class TestController {
@RequestMapping(value = {"/test"}, headers =   "Accept=application/json")
    public String getBid(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse  response) throws Exception {
        return "is itworking?!";

Probably, You should return from getBid(...) logic name of view ("test") - don't return sample string like this -> "is itworking?!". Another solution is use @ResponseBody to JSON - link .

除非您在配置中包含<mvc:annotation-driven/> ,否则Spring将不会理解TestController是一个控制器,否则,您需要@ResponseBody来跳过View解析器

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