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How can I put a selected item in a php post array with javascript?

I'm trying to post a selected item from a dropdown list on one php page so that I can access in another php page. The page does not have a submit button so I am using javascript at the bottom of the page. Here's the page that should put the item in post.

 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <?php session_start();?>

     <select class="myList" name="Country" id="country-selector"  autofocus="autofocus" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off">
      <option value="" selected="selected">Select Country</option>
       <option value="Belgium" data-alternative-spellings="BE België Belgie Belgien Belgique" data-relevancy-booster="1.5">Belgium</option>


  $(function () {


  var x = document.getElementById("country-selector").value;

   $.post('page2.php', {'selectedCountry': x});
   $.post('page2.php','val='+$(this).val(),function (response){





Then I want page2.php as the target page. I go to page2.php and try to view the post array like this:


  echo $_POST['selectedCountry'];



...but the selectedCountry item is not in the $_POST array. How can I put a selected item in a php post array with javascript?


  var x = document.getElementById("country-selector").value;

   $.post('page2.php', {'selectedCountry': x}).done(function(response) {


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