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Native SQL query to Spring JPA named query

I am having below query.

SELECT zip, primary_city, latitude, longitude,
      111.045* DEGREES(ACOS(COS(RADIANS(latpoint))
                 * COS(RADIANS(latitude))
                 * COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS(longitude))
                 + SIN(RADIANS(latpoint))
                 * SIN(RADIANS(latitude)))) AS distance_in_km
 FROM zip
     SELECT  42.81  AS latpoint,  -70.81 AS longpoint
   ) AS p ON 1=1
 ORDER BY distance_in_km

When I execute the above query in sql editor i am getting zip,primary_city, latitude, longitude ,distance_in_km from zip table.

I need to use the same in my JPA repository.I tried using named query but it shows Validation failed exception.Also In my entity class zip.java having only zip, primary_city, latitude, longitude(four attributes).I need to decide how to capture distance_in_km which comes from resultset Kindly help me how to achieve the same in Spring JPA

  1. First you need to set the nativeQuery flag, because this is not a JPQL query.

  2. The SQL query uses named parameters for :latitude , when there's no such parameter given to the query.

  3. You missed the "+" sign on the 5th line of your query:

     +"*COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS (height))" +" SIN (RADIANS (latpoint))" 

should be:

    +"*COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS (height))"
    +" + SIN (RADIANS (latpoint))"
  1. The JOIN condition doesn't take any table, so I am not sure what you wanted to do JOIN with.

You query should be written as:

    111.045* DEGREES (ACOS(COS(RADIANS(latpoint)) * COS (RADIANS(length)) * COS(RADIANS(longpoint) - RADIANS (height)) + SIN (RADIANS (latpoint)) *SIN (RADIANS(length)))) As distance_in_km,
    latitude AS latpoint, 
    longitute AS longpoint
FROM place
ORDER BY distance_in_km

Never underestimate the power of code indentation. Some other develop might have to maintain this query, so always write your queries as you want to find them.

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