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How to return inserted row in mysql using json format?

I have to return the inserted row which is just inserted into json format in the same php code. In this row booking_id is auto generated key, and other information like customer_Name, customer_Email, customer_id. So How I will return inserted row with additional column booking_id (auto-generated)?.

please Note this question is same as but I forget to asked returning row but asked only returning id. sorry for that. check here


            rules: {
                userName: "required",                           
                email: {
                    required: true,
                    email: true
                userContactNumber: "required"                       
            messages: {
                userName: "Please enter your Name",
                userContactNumber: "Please enter your Mobile number",                           
                email: "Please enter a valid email address",                                           
            submitHandler: function(form) {

                var uName = $('#userName').val();   
                var mailId = $('#email').val();                 
                var mobNum = $('#userContactNumber').val();

                    data:{type:"booking", Name:uName, Email:mailId,  Mob_Num:mobNum},                                   
                    success: function(response){                            
                        window.location.href = 'BookingConformation.html';
                    error: function(err){                           
                        window.location.href = 'error.html';
                return false; // block regular submit

server code

    header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');//Should work in Cross Domaim ajax Calling request

            $name = $_POST ['Name'];               
            $mobile = $_POST ['Mob_Num'];
            $mail = $_POST ['Email'];               
            $query1 = "insert into customer(userName, userContactNumber, email) values('$name','$mobile','$mail')";
            $query2 = "insert into booking(cust_name, cust_email, cust_mobile) values('$name', '$mail','$mobile')";         


            echo json_encode($result1);
        echo "Invalid format";

You can access the id that was auto generated in the insert operation with the mysql_insert_id() function

To return it, just create an array with the data you used in the insert and the retrieved id. You can then return the array using json_enode.

use it. i think this is helpful for you

$id = mysql_insert_id();

use: mysql_insert_id() or mysqli_insert_id() to return the booking ID.

Note: while using mysql_insert_id be careful as it's depreciated in php 5.5 and will be removed in future

$id = mysql_insert_id();
echo json_encode($id);

Then in your ajax success function use php file instead of html and pass this booking in a url query string and use this booking ID in your booking.php and write a query to fetch that row :

success: function(response){                            
                        window.location.href = "BookingConformation.php?bookingID='+response+'";

Then in your bookingConfirmation.php file use GET method to fetch this variable:

$query1= "select * from bookin where b_id =".$bookingID;
$result = mysql_query($query1);    
var_dump($result); //gives your array of insterd row

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