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Issue raising a simple event

My interface has an event that don't has an arguments

public interface IMyInterface
     event EventHandler OnSomethingHappened;

Here is how I am implementing it.

   public class MyBaseClass : IMyInterface
private event EventHandler onSomethingHappened;
public event EventHandler OnSomethingHappened
        onSomethingHappened-= value;
        onSomethingHappened+= value;

        onSomethingHappened-= value;

But somehwere else when I try to use it as follows

if ( MyBaseClassInstance.OnSomethingHappened != null )

I get following compilation error

The event 'ConsoleApplication1.IMyInterface.OnSomethingHappened' can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=

What am I doing wrong?

This is how your code might look:

    public interface IMyInterface
        event EventHandler OnSomethingHappened;

    //implement the interface
    public class MyBaseClass : IMyInterface
        public event EventHandler OnSomethingHappened;

        public void DoSomeLogicWhichRaisesTheEvent()
            if (OnSomethingHappened != null)
                MyBaseClass sender = this;
                var eventArgs = new EventArgs();
                //let all subscibers to event know that the event happened
                OnSomethingHappened(sender, eventArgs);

    public class ConsumerClass
        private IMyInterface myBaseClassInstance;

        public ConsumerClass()
            myBaseClassInstance = new MyBaseClass();
            //attach to the event
            myBaseClassInstance.OnSomethingHappened += MyBaseClassInstance_OnSomethingHappened;

        private void MyBaseClassInstance_OnSomethingHappened(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //react to the raised event
            throw new NotImplementedException();

As you can see you need to implement the IMyInterface interface, and when MyBaseClass needs to raise the event you call OnSomethingHappened(sender, eventArgs);

ConsumerClass is where you need to consume, or to do something, as a reaction to the raised event. You may consider to rename MyBaseClass to some other name, without 'Base' in it, because it is not an abstract class.

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