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Default datetime with Ecto & Elixir

I've just started working Elixir & Phoenix today, i am trying to add Ecto as a mapper, but i'm having some trouble using time.

This is my model.

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string
    field :email, :string
    field :created_at, :datetime, default: Ecto.DateTime.local
    field :updated_at, :datetime, default: Ecto.DateTime.local

I'm trying to set the created_at and updated_at per default, but when i try to compile this, i get the following error.

== Compilation error on file web/models/user.ex ==
** (ArgumentError) invalid default argument `%Ecto.DateTime{day: 13, hour: 19, min: 47, month: 2, sec: 12, year: 2015}` for `:datetime`
lib/ecto/schema.ex:687: Ecto.Schema.check_default!/2
lib/ecto/schema.ex:522: Ecto.Schema.__field__/4
web/models/board.ex:9: (module)
(stdlib) erl_eval.erl:657: :erl_eval.do_apply/6

There is not much help to get in the documentation, what would be the correct way to do this?

Defaults fields names are :inserted_at and :updated_at but you can merge with your own field names, passing a keyword list

schema "users" do
  field :name, :string
  field :email, :string

:datetime is the native Postgres data type for, well a datetime; this data type maps to a two-elements Elixir tuple ( {{yy, mm, dd}, {hh, mm, ss}} ). An %Ecto.DateTime{} struct is not a two-elements tuple, hence the compilation error.

You may want to set the type of your fields to Ecto.DateTime , it should all work seamlessly.

Here is the relevant documentation about primitive types and non-primitive types.

PS you may also want to have a look at Ecto.Schema.timestamps/1 , which is macro that expands to basically what you wrote manually (it adds the created_at and updated_at fields and it let's you choose what type they should be, defaulting to Ecto.DateTime ):

schema "users" do
  field :name, :string
  field :email, :string

您还可以考虑让默认值不在架构中,但在迁移中: "created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"

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