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How to verify index_name works in elasticsearch

How can you verify if index_name property works correctly in elasticsearch. ie how to verify if elasticsearch internally stores field key using index_name.

Below is my mapping.

POST testalias
   "mappings": {
      "test": {
         "properties": {
            "keywords" : { "type" : "string", "index_name": "kd" }

I store data as below

POST testalias/test/
    "keywords": "mykey123"

When I lookup http://localhost:9200/testalias/_search?q= *&pretty I get the response with

    "keywords": "mykey123"

So the response shows the field name "keywords", but how can I confirm internally es stores it as "kd". This is important because my field names are very long and I want to use index_name to save disk space. My business reason is based on this post cost of keys in JSON document database (mongodb, elasticsearch)

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