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Passing a struct data to a variable C++?

first I'd like to apologize for my bad English and thank you in advance for reading and helping.

Basically I have two structs that hold 3 ints: numbers fractionAnswers

I then have a class called addSubFractions that takes two numbers struct type as parameters and returns a fractionAnswers struct type. My goal is to assign the return from the addSubFractions class to a numbers type struct variable called answers .

I am fairly new to C++ and I thought that I would be able to do this logically, I googled as much as I could without any good info.

Heres a part of the code that is not working for me:

int main() {
numbers first, second, answer ;

cout << "Enter fraction" ;
cin >> first.wholeNumber ;
cin >> first.numerator   ;
cin >> first.denominator ;
cout << "Enter second fraction" ;
cin >> second.wholeNumber ;
cin >> second.numerator ;
cin >> second.denominator ;

answer = addSubFractions(first, second) ;

cout << "Your answer is:" <<  answer.numerator << "/" << answer.denominator ;

return 0 ;}

Here is the other class I was talking about

    fractionAnswers addSubFractions(numbers firstFraction, numbers secondFraction) {
    numbers answerFraction, holdFraction1, holdFraction2      ;
    fractionAnswers someAnswers               ;

    //Multiply to get same denominator
    holdFraction1.denominator   =   firstFraction.denominator   *   secondFraction.denominator ;
    holdFraction2.denominator   =   firstFraction.denominator   *   secondFraction.denominator ;

    //Numerator multiplication to match new denominator
    holdFraction1.numerator     =   firstFraction.numerator     *   secondFraction.denominator ;
    holdFraction2.numerator     =   secondFraction.numerator    *   firstFraction.denominator  ;

    //Reduce fractions first
    while (true) {

    //Reduce fractions second
        while (true) {

        someAnswers.numeratorAns     =   holdFraction1.numerator + holdFraction2.numerator ;
        someAnswers.denominatorAns   =   holdFraction2.denominator                  ;
return someAnswers ;

this is reduceFractions

bool reduceFractions(numbers Fractions) {
    bool answer ;

    for (int i = Fractions.numerator ; i >= 2 ; i--) {       //This will keep running until i = the GFC for both numerator & denominator
        if ((((Fractions.numerator % i) == 0) && (Fractions.denominator % i) == 0)) {

            Fractions.numerator     /=   i ;
            Fractions.denominator   /=   i ;
            answer                   =   true ;

    answer   =   false ;
    return answer ;


These are the structs

struct numbers {
    int numerator   ;
    int denominator ;
    int wholeNumber ;

struct fractionAnswers {
    int numeratorAns   ;
    int denominatorAns ;
    int wholeNumberAns ;

This code shouldn't compile, is that correct? You can't assign a value of type fractionAnswers to a variable of type numbers , even though they have the same layout of members. Some options are:

  • Change the return type of addSubFractions to numbers .

  • Change answer = addSubFractions(first, second) ; to fractionAnswers temp = addSubFractions(first, second); answer.numerator = temp.numeratorAns; answer.denominator = temp.denominatorAns; answer.wholeNumber = temp.wholeNumberAns; fractionAnswers temp = addSubFractions(first, second); answer.numerator = temp.numeratorAns; answer.denominator = temp.denominatorAns; answer.wholeNumber = temp.wholeNumberAns;

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