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How to organize folder structure in node.js?

I'm searching for a video/blog post or something related that help me organize my node.js web application.

I have an application where i am using express.js upon node.js.

I'm using:

Mvc pattern, 
config env prod/dev, 
custom middlewares, 
custom prototypes
custom modules 

I need organize better the folder structure, but i don't know exactly how.

I already search for this, but i was only able to find poor explanations about an good folder structure in a node.js app.

The app also have an admin dashboard, so i am separating the public, views and controllers like this:

|-- admin
|-- client
|-- admin
|-- client
|-- admin
|-- client

This is a good idea?

Anyone knows a good book, video or blog post that can help me with my problem?

This looks like a pretty solid thread on Node App structure .

In my own opinion, I always try to follow the rule of never repeating yourself in development. Looks like you are repeating your structure a lot above. If I were you I would do one of the following:

  1. Make two separate Node apps. One for clients and one for admin.
  2. If your controllers are going to be similar for both client or admin, I would consider building one app that identifies a user as a general user or an admin and render their experience that way. Then just throw away the admin/client folders.


Scotch.io always has great articles on Node and Express. See if this article or their other articles help.

Best Answer:

After some team research we found this link to be most useful. It has a great five folder layout for an admin panel and client experience.

this is best book for meanStack development if want to read it free you need to search in google books

it is really awsome book


there is the google books link


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