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Bean Validation does't work

I'm currently learning spring but I'm stuck with the validation annotation that don't works with my bean. I really don't understand what missing and I would need a Hand :)

I have a controller :

public class CirclesController {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/createCircle", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ModelAndView createCircle(@Valid Circle circle, BindingResult res) {

        if (res.hasErrors()) {
            System.out.println("Can't validate this form..");
            System.out.println("Created new circle : " + circle);

And a bean :

public class Circle {

    @Size(min = 5)                 // This is what I try to validate
    private String      name;

public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

I configured the web.xml



my prject looks like that :


the *-context.xml have the component-scan and anotation-config tags :

<context:component-scan base-package="com.test.app.[package-name]">

I have all the external libraries (hibernate, hibernate-api, javax.validation) and no error on the run time... but when I fill the field "name" wit less than 5 characters, I always get "Created new circle : Circle{name=txt}" instead of "Can't validate this form..".


Here is my classpath :


and the servlet-context.xml :

<context:component-scan base-package="com.test.app.controllers"></context:component-scan>

<bean id="jspViewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
    <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsps/"></property>
    <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"></property>

Providing the list of your dependencies and the circles-servlet.xml would give a full context to your question.

Nevertheless, for what I see there could be only two things missing. First make sure that you have the validation provider such as hibernate-validator on your classpath, second make sure that you have

 <mvc:annotation-driven />

element in your circles-servlet.xml it provides support for enabling validation against parameter objects of your controller annotated with @Valid

UPDATE after comment

the bean validation has an updated specification, so you should align your dependencies in the following manner


which will implement a JSR-349



which implements JSR-303

Your issue from the comment means that you've most likely mixed the dependency, so used hibernate-validator-5.xx with validation-api-1.0.x or missed it the other way around

See the very bottom of this page:


Add the following to you spring config:

<!-- JSR-303/JSR-349 support will be detected on classpath and enabled automatically -->


public ModelAndView createCircle(@Valid @RequestBody Circle circle, BindingResult res) {

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