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What is the best approach to reuse multiple repository criterias?

I have an repository layer that have many methods combination, to match search criterias.. What is the best approach to reuse this criterias? I think that methods name like findByNameAndIdAndBirthdayAndAccounaNumber is not a good idea ! Thanks !

public Order findByIdAndName(String orderId) {
List<OrderEntity> list = entityManager.createNamedQuery(OrderEntity.QUERY_FIND_BY_ORDERID_AND_NAME,     OrderEntity.class)
     .setParameter("orderId", orderId)
     .setParameter("name", name).getResultList();
if (list.isEmpty()) {
    return null;

OrderEntity orderEntity = list.get(0);

return toOrder(orderEntity);


Sounds like you may be looking for the Specification pattern which would allow you write a method like:

public Order findOrderBySpecification(Specification specification) {


and then call this using a combination of one or more specifications eg by account number, by account number and name etc.

There is an example here using the Criteria API:


See also the article below which refers to the Spring Data project but which is probably worth a read anyway even if you are not using Spring.


Also, you can achieve this more simply using the QueryDSL library referenced in the article above rather than the rather verbose Criteria API with Straight JPA (ie without Spring).

http://blog.mysema.com/2010/04/querydsl-as-alternative-to-jpa-2.html http://www.querydsl.com/static/querydsl/2.1.0/reference/html/ch02s02.html

Try to use the specification pattern in your repository implementation.


public class OrderSpecificationByName implements OrderSpecification, HibernateSpecification {
    private String name;

    public OrderSpecificationByName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object order) {
        return ((Order)order).hasName(name);

    public Criterion toCriteria() {
        return Restrictions.eq("name", name);


public class OrderSpecificationById implements OrderSpecification, HibernateSpecification { 
    private Long id;

    public OrderSpecificationById(String id) {
        this.id = id;

    public boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object order) {
        return ((Order)order).hasId(id);

    public Criterion toCriteria() {
        return Restrictions.eq("id", id);

Then you must implment the logical specifications AndSpecification , OrSpecification , NotSpecification , etc..


public class AndSpecification implements HibernateSpecification {
    private Specification first;
    private Specification second;

    public AndSpecification(Specification first, Specification second) {
        first = first;
        second = second;

    public boolean isSatisfiedBy(Object candidate) {
        return first.isSatisfiedBy(candidate) && second.isSatisfiedBy(candidate);

    public Criterion toCriteria() {
        Conjunction conjuntion = Restrictions.conjunction();

        return conjuntion;


public List<Order> query(HibernateSpecification specification) {    
    Session session = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession();
    Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Order.class);
    return criteria.list(); 

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