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Converting float to hexadecimal in python

So, I'm trying to convert this Scratch program to a python program: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1963078/#editor . I am currently using it with pattern 3. Here's what I have:

from turtle import*
import random
import math
turtle = Turtle()
def draw():
    x1 = (random.randint(0,250))
    y1 = (random.randint(0,250))
    x2 = (random.randint(0,250))
    y2 = (random.randint(0,250))
    counts = 0
    while counts < 250:
        count = 0
        while count<250:
            c = (math.tan(math.sqrt(((xcor() - x1)**2) + ((ycor() - y1)**2))))*(math.tan(math.sqrt(((xcor() - x2)**2) + ((ycor() - y2)**2))))
            count += 1
        counts +=1

I know a lot of people use python 2, but I'm using 3. The problem right now is that when it uses that long line to generate a color, it's returning a decimal number, when I need to be getting a hex code. Any tips on how I would convert that to get a result like the scratch project? Thanks!

There isn't any standard method for converting a floating point / decimal number to hex (usually hex is only used for positive integers)… so you'll have to decide how you want to convert the decimal to a positive integer.

BUT, once you've got a positive integer, you can convert that to an RGB hex color (ex, #AABBCC ) using:

>>> some_number = 123456
>>> hex_color = "#%06X" %(some_number, )
>>> print hex_color

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