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java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to com.testing.models.Account

I'm getting below error:

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to com.testing.models.Account

with below code

final int expectedId = 1;

Test newTest = create();

int expectedResponseCode = Response.SC_OK;

ArrayList<Account> account = given().when().expect().statusCode(expectedResponseCode)
    .get("accounts/" + newTest.id() + "/users")

Is there a reason why I cannot do get(0) ?

The issue's coming from Jackson. When it doesn't have enough information on what class to deserialize to, it uses LinkedHashMap .

Since you're not informing Jackson of the element type of your ArrayList , it doesn't know that you want to deserialize into an ArrayList of Account s. So it falls back to the default.

Instead, you could probably use as(JsonNode.class) , and then deal with the ObjectMapper in a richer manner than rest-assured allows. Something like this:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

JsonNode accounts = given().when().expect().statusCode(expectedResponseCode)
    .get("accounts/" + newClub.getOwner().getCustId() + "/clubs")

//Jackson's use of generics here are completely unsafe, but that's another issue
List<Account> accountList = mapper.convertValue(
    new TypeReference<List<Account>>(){}


Try the following:

POJO pojo = mapper.convertValue(singleObject, POJO.class);


List<POJO> pojos = mapper.convertValue(
    new TypeReference<List<POJO>>() { });

See conversion of LinkedHashMap for more information.

The way I could mitigate the JSON Array to collection of LinkedHashMap objects problem was by using CollectionType rather than a TypeReference . This is what I did and worked :

public <T> List<T> jsonArrayToObjectList(String json, Class<T> tClass) throws IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    CollectionType listType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(ArrayList.class, tClass);
    List<T> ts = mapper.readValue(json, listType);
    LOGGER.debug("class name: {}", ts.get(0).getClass().getName());
    return ts;

Using the TypeReference , I was still getting an ArrayList of LinkedHashMaps, ie does not work :

public <T> List<T> jsonArrayToObjectList(String json, Class<T> tClass) throws IOException {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    List<T> ts = mapper.readValue(json, new TypeReference<List<T>>(){});
    LOGGER.debug("class name: {}", ts.get(0).getClass().getName());
    return ts;

I had a similar exception (but different problem) - java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.bson.Document , and fortunately it's solved easier:

Instead of

List<Document> docs = obj.get("documents");
Document doc = docs.get(0)

which gives error on second line, One can use

List<Document> docs = obj.get("documents");
Document doc = new Document(docs.get(0));

Solve problem with two method parse common

  1. Whith type is an object
public <T> T jsonToObject(String json, Class<T> type) {
        T target = null;
        try {
            target = objectMapper.readValue(json, type);
        } catch (Jsenter code hereonProcessingException e) {
        return target;
  1. With type is collection wrap object
public <T> T jsonToObject(String json, TypeReference<T> type) {
    T target = null;
    try {
        target = objectMapper.readValue(json, type);
    } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
    return target;

I have this method for deserializing an XML and converting the type:

public <T> Object deserialize(String xml, Class objClass ,TypeReference<T> typeReference ) throws IOException {
    XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
    Object obj = xmlMapper.readValue(xml,objClass);
    return  xmlMapper.convertValue(obj,typeReference );   

and this is the call:

List<POJO> pojos = (List<POJO>) MyUtilClass.deserialize(xml, ArrayList.class,new TypeReference< List< POJO >>(){ });

When you use jackson to map from string to your concrete class, especially if you work with generic type. then this issue may happen because of different class loader. i met it one time with below scenarior:

Project B depend on Library A

in Library A:

public class DocSearchResponse<T> {
 private T data;

it has service to query data from external source, and use jackson to convert to concrete class

public class ServiceA<T>{
  private ObjectMapper mapper;
  private ClientDocSearch searchClient;

  public DocSearchResponse<T> query(Criteria criteria){
      String resultInString = searchClient.search(criteria);
      return convertJson(resultInString)

public DocSearchResponse<T> convertJson(String result){
     return mapper.readValue(result, new TypeReference<DocSearchResponse<T>>() {});

in Project B:

public class Account{
 private String name;
 //come with other attributes

and i use ServiceA from library to make query and as well convert data

public class ServiceAImpl extends ServiceA<Account> {

and make use of that

public class MakingAccountService {
    private ServiceA service;
    public void execute(Criteria criteria){
        DocSearchResponse<Account> result = service.query(criteria);
        Account acc = result.getData(); //  java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to com.testing.models.Account

it happen because from classloader of LibraryA, jackson can not load Account class, then just override method convertJson in Project B to let jackson do its job

public class ServiceAImpl extends ServiceA<Account> {
        public DocSearchResponse<T> convertJson(String result){
         return mapper.readValue(result, new TypeReference<DocSearchResponse<T>>() {});

This is something i used in my project, Json object was returned, i converted it to a List of POJO, List and then accessed the element. I took the input of Json object from another microservice.

Main thing is:- JsonNode stocks = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:2000/stocks/qty", JsonNode.class); List<Stock_id_qty> stockList = mapper.convertValue(stocks, new TypeReference<List<Stock_id_qty>>() {});

    public List<Stock_id_qty> checkQty() throws JsonProcessingException {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        JsonNode stocks = restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:2000/stocks/qty", JsonNode.class);
        List<Stock_id_qty> stockList = mapper.convertValue(stocks, new TypeReference<List<Stock_id_qty>>() {});
        List<Stock_id_qty> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for(Stock_id_qty s : stockList){
            if(s.getStockQty() < 10)
        return result;
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
return objectMapper.convertValue(map.get(key), new TypeReference<Account>() {});
public class ObjectHelper { private static ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); public static ObjectMapper getObjectMapper() { objectMapper.setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL).configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES,false); return objectMapper; } }


FetchResponse fetchResponse = ObjectHelper.getObjectMapper().convertValue( data, new TypeReference<FetchResponse>() {});

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