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unit test failing in java and not sure why

I have a method in class TreeUtils that checks for simalarity of structure between two binary search trees

if(root1 == null&& root2 == null)
        return true;
    if(root1 == null && root2!=null){
        return false;
    if(root1 != null && root2 == null)
        return false;

    boolean leftRecurse = similar(root1.getLeft(), root2.getLeft());
    boolean rightRecurse = similar(root1.getRight(), root2.getRight());

    return leftRecurse && rightRecurse;

however when I run a unit test on this file it fails. But if I call this method from the main method, it works. Its not a package or scope issue, because the similar method works in the main method. I think it has something to do with

 public BinaryTreeNode getLeft() { 
    return this.left; 

maybe because this is now a unit test it is calling the assert? how should I modify my similar method to avoid this.

This is my Unit test

public void testSimilar() {
    System.out.println("Test similarity");
    SimpleBST tree = new SimpleBST();
    SimpleBST tree2 = new SimpleBST();
    assertEquals(true, tree.similar(tree2));



Assuming you have asserts enabled with -ea argument the program will throw an AssertionError if this does not have a left child. But by the setup you have, recursively you want to evaluate the left and right child even if they are null. Simply removing the assertion will work.

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