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How to declare a method which may return 3 different kinds of type?

I want to define a method, but it's return type has 3 kinds.

def findSelectedItem: ??? = { ... }

The ??? here may be Category , Section , Page , but I'm not sure how to find a proper type to represent it.

If it's just 2, I can use Either[Type1, Type2] , but it's 3 now.

Do I need to declare something like Either but which has 3 type variables? Or is there already something I can just use?

You could nest Either :


case class Category(name: String)
case class Section(name: String)
case class Page(name: String)

and a method like this:

def f(name: String): Either[Category, Either[Section, Page]] = {
  name match {
    case "c" =>

    case "s" =>

    case "p" =>

then you can "pattern match" on the result:

Seq("c", "s", "p").map(f).foreach {
  case Left(c) => println("C")
  case Right(Left(s)) => println("S")
  case Right(Right(p)) => println("p")

As an alternative, create your own Either3 :

case class Either3[+A, +B, +C](left: Option[A], middle: Option[B], 
                               right: Option[C])

object Left3 {
  def apply[A, B, C](a: A): Either3[A, B, C] = {
    Either3(Some(a), None, None)

  def unapply[A, B, C](e: Either3[A, B, C]): Option[A] = {

object Middle3 {
  def apply[A, B, C](b: B): Either3[A, B, C] = {
    Either3(None, Some(b), None)

  def unapply[A, B, C](e: Either3[A, B, C]): Option[B] = {

object Right3 {
  def apply[A, B, C](c: C): Either3[A, B, C] = {
    Either3(None, None, Some(c))

  def unapply[A, B, C](e: Either3[A, B, C]): Option[C] = {

and then

def f(name: String): Either3[Category, Section, Page] = {
  name match {
    case "c" =>

    case "s" =>

    case "p" =>

together with

Seq("c", "s", "p").map(f).foreach {
  case Left3(c) => println("C")
  case Middle3(s) => println("S")
  case Right3(p) => println("p")

You could also use an abstract class:

abstract sealed class Item(val name:String)
case object Category extends Item("category")
case object Section extends Item("sections")
case object Page extends Item("page")

object ItemFinder {

def apply(s: String):Item  = s match{
    case Category.name => Category
    case Section.name => Section
    case Page.name => Page

} }

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