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Huffman Code Decoder Encoder In Java Source Generation

I want to create a fast Huffman Code decoder in Java and therefore thought about lookup tables. Since those tables consume memory and we use Java code to navigate and access the tables one can easily (or not) write a programm / method that expresses the same table.

The problem with that approach is, I dont know what is the best strategy. I know it is a lot about what fits in the cache and branch prediction. Also the switch case implementation meaning the actual ASM is beyond me. If I have a in memory lookup table (or a hierarchy of it) I will be able to simply jump in and out but I doupt that for my purposal that table would fit in the cache.

Since I actually walk a tree one could implement it as if else statements requireing a certain number of comparisms but for each comparism it would need additional binary operations.

So the following options exist:

  • General Algorithm using in Memory lookup tables
  • If/else representation of the decision tree
  • If/else representation with small switch statements to find the correct group of symboles (same bit pattern length) (fewer if statements, might be more code).
  • Switch statement representation of the code

Writing and benchmarking is quite tricky so any initial thoughts would be great.

One additional problem that comes into play is the order of bits. The most significant bit comes always first meaning it is stored in reverse order.

If your tree is A = 0, B = 10, C = 11 to write BAC it would actually be 01 + 0 + 11 (plus means append).

So actually the code have to be written in reverse order. using if /else or switch approach for groups it would not be a problem since masking out the bits is simple and the reverse of bit is simply possible but it would lose the idea of getting the index within the group out of the mask since in reverse bit order add and remove have different meaning and also a simple lookup is not possible.

Reversing the bits is a costly operation (I use 4bit lookup tables) not outweighting the performance penality of binary operations.

But reversing the bits on the go is better suited for this and require four operations per bit (shifting up, Masking out, add and also shifting the input down). Since I read bits ahead all those operations will be done in registers so they might take only a few cycles.

This way I can use switch, sub and if to find the right symbol group and also to return those.

So finaly I need advices. Since my codes are global for language processing, they can be hardwired (ie be in source).

I wonder what the parser generators like ANTRL use to express those decisions. Since they also seam to switch or if/else based on the input symbole it would might give me a clue.


I found a simplification that avoids the reverse bit problem but still adds costs per group. So I end up in writing the bits in the order of the groups to traverse. So I will not need four modifications per bit but per group (different bit lengths).

For each group we have: 1. The value for the first element, the size (and therefore the value for the last element within that group.

Therefore for each group the algorithm looks like: 1. Read mbits and combine with the current read value. 2. Compare the value with the last value of that group is it smaller its within that group if not its outside. -> read next 3. If it is inside the group aan array of values can be accessed or use a switch statement.

This is totally generic and can be used without loops making it efficient. Also if the group was detected, the bit length of the code is known and the bits can be consumed from source since the code looks far ahead (reading from stream).

[Update 2]

To access the actual value one could use a single big array of elements grouped by group. Since the propability reduces for group to group it is very likely that a significant part fits L2 or L1 cache speeding up access here.

Or one uses switch statements.

[Update 3]

Depending on the cases of a switch the compiler generates either a tableswitch or a lookup switch. The lookup switch has a complexity of O(log n) and stores key, jmp offset pairs which is not preferable. Therefore checking for groups is better suited for if/else.

The tableswitch itself uses only a table of jump offsets and it only takes substract, compare, access, jmp to reach the destination, than it must executes a return value on a constant.

Therefore a table access looks more promising. Also to avoid an unnecessary jump each group might contain the logic to access and return the group symbols table. Storing everything in a big table is promising since it might be int or short per symbole and my codes often do only have 1000 to 4000 symbols at most making it actually short.

I will check if 1 - pattern will give me the opportunity to store and access the masks in a better way allowing for binary searching the correct group instead of advancing in O(n) and might even avoid any shift operations at all during the processing.

I couldn't make sense of most of what you wrote in your (long) question, but there is a simple approach.

We'll start with a single table. Let's say your longest Huffman code is 15 bits. (In fact, deflate limits the size of its Huffman codes to 15 bits.) Then construct a table with 32768 entries, where each entry is the number of bits in the next code, and the symbol for that code. For codes less than 15 bits, there is more than one entry in the table for the same code. Eg if the code is 10010110 (7 bits) for the symbol 'C', then all of the indexes of the table xxxxxxxx10010110 have the same thing. Those entries all have {7, 'C'}.

Then you get 15 bits from the stream, and look up the next code in the table. You remove the number of bits from that table entry, and use the resulting symbol. Now you get as many bits from the stream as you need to have 15, and repeat. So if you used 7 bits, then get 8 more to get back to 15 and look up the next code.

The next subtlety is that if your Huffman code changes often, you might end up spending more time filling up that large table for each new Huffman code than you spend actually decoding. To avoid that, you can make a two-level table which has, say, a 9-bit lookup (512 entries) for the first portion of the code. If the code is 9-bits or less, then you proceed as above. That will be the most common case, since shorter codes are more frequent (that being the whole point of Huffman coding). If the table entry says that there are 10 or more bits in the code (and you don't know yet how much more), then you consume the first nine bits and go to a second-level table for those initial nine bits pointed to by the entry in the first table, that has entries for the remaining six bits (64 entries). That resolves the remainder of the code and so tells you how many more bits to consume and what the symbol is. This approach can greatly reduce the time spent filling tables, and is very nearly as fast since short codes are more common. This is the approach used by inflate in zlib .

In the end it was quite simple. I support almost all solutions now. One can test every symbol group (same bit length), use a lookup table (10bit + 10bit + 10bit (just tables of 10bit, symbolscount + 1 is the reference to those talbes)) and generating java (and if needed javascript but currently I use GWT to translate it).

I even use long reads and shift operations to reduce the access to binary information. This way the code gets more efficiently since I only support a maximum bit size (20bit (so a table of a table) which makes 2^20 symbols and therefore at most a million).

For the ordering I use a generator for the bit masks just using shift operations and no requirement of reversing bit orders or such.

The table lookups can also be expressed in Java storing the tables as arrays of arrays (its interesting how big the java files can be without compilers to complain)).

Also I found it interesting that since comparing is expressing an ordering (half order I guess) one can sort the symbols and instead of mapping the symbols mapping the comparison index. By comparing two index one can simply sort streams of codes without touching to much. By also storing the first or first two comparison index (16 or 32bit) one can efficiently sort and therefore binary sort compressed strings using the same Huffman code, which makes it ideal to compress strings in a certain language.

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