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Java (J2SE) Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

I'm trying to connect to a Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) Sensor using Java. So far I searched for a library that interfaces with the BlueZ stack on my Linux.

The only free library I found for Java was Bluecove but it seems, that they don't implement BLE. I checked if my BT dongle was working and recognizing the sensor using Linux command line tools

sudo hcitool lescan

gatttool -i hci0 -b XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -I

and it worked without problems.

After that I tried the Bluecove example for DeviceDiscovery but my sensor didn't show up instead it scanned for normal BT devices. I couldn't find a way to scan for BLE devices.

Doing further research I came to the conclusion that Bluecove just implements JSR-82. If I'm not mistaken this standard is older than BLE and therefore doesn't implement it.

Are there any alternatives to Bluecove that support BLE in Java? I mean there should be because Android has no problems (in newer versions) to communicate with BLE devices.

Thanks in advance!

After looking into this a while later I found an answer named TinyB.


TinyB is a BluetoothLE implementation by Intel and it features a Java SDK. So far I've been able to achieve everything I tried.

Hope this helps others stumbling across this topic.

一个有趣的选择是使用Kura蓝牙LE API ,它建立在TinyB库之上。

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