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Request.Form removing + sign from the value

I have a ashx handler in asp.net webform (.net 3.5) application in which i have to initialize some object with form field data. One of a field is "To" is a telephone field having data like To=+1852931591 Problem is that when I am filling it into object by simply context.Request.Form["To"] it is removing + sign. I have even tried htmlencode/decode but nothing work.

My code is like

var listValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                foreach (string key in context.Request.Form.AllKeys.Where(k => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(k)))
                    listValues.Add(key, context.Request.Form[key]);

+ is a way of indicating spaces in URLs. That value will be interpreted as [space]1852931591 .

If you want to have a plus sign in a query value, you'll need to encode it as %2B or preferably encode all of your query values with something like encodeURIComponent() .

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