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Add fields to Logstash Twitter input and Elasticsearch output

I am using logstash to save the twitter stream to elasticsearch. Before saving, I want to

  1. Add a new field which indicates whether the tweet is a RT or reply or organic
  2. Use the tweet id as elasticsearch's document id

But I've been unable to do either! Logstash config file:

input {
twitter {
    oauth_token => ""
    oauth_token_secret => ""
    consumer_key => ""
    consumer_secret => ""
    full_tweet => true
    keywords => ["test"]

filter {
ruby {
    code => "
        if !event['retweeted_status'].nil?
            event['tweet_type'] = 'Retweet'
        elsif !event['in_reply_to_screen_name'].nil?
            event['tweet_type'] = 'Reply'
            event['tweet_type'] = 'Organic'

output {
elasticsearch {
    document_id => [id]
    index_type => "twitter"
    protocol => "http"
    bind_host => ""

What am I doing wrong?

You don't need to drop to ruby to test fields. Try:

if [retweeted_status] {
    mutate {
       add_field => { "tweet_type", "Retweet" }

(NOTE: that's pseudo-code; I may have the the {s and => wrong).

As for using the document id, try:

document_id => "%{id}"

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