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Getting Null Pointer Exception with Java

I wrote a program to make a stack with the help of Iterator in Java. But I don't understand why I am getting the null pointer exception.

Here is my class for stack

import java.util.Iterator;

public class linkedStack1<Item> implements Iterable<Item> 

public Iterator<Item> iterator()
    return new listIterator();

private class listIterator implements Iterator<Item>
    private node current = first;
    public boolean hasNext() { return current!=null;}
    public Item next()
        Item item = current.item;
        return item;


private node first=null;

private class node
    Item item;
    node next;

public boolean isEmpty()
    return first==null;

public void push(Item item)
    node oldFirst=first;
    first=new node();

public Item pop()
    Item item=first.item;           // ERROR SHOWING HERE
    return item;

And my main class is this

import java.util.Scanner;

public class evaluate
public static void main(String args[])
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    String s=input.nextLine();

    linkedStack1<String> ops = new linkedStack1<String>();
    linkedStack1<Double> vals = new linkedStack1<Double>();

    String op;
    double a,b;
    for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
        else if(s.charAt(i)=='+' || s.charAt(i)=='*' 
                || s.charAt(i)=='-' || s.charAt(i)=='/')
        else if(s.charAt(i)==')')
            op =ops.pop();
            b= vals.pop();            // ERROR SHOWING HERE
            if(op=="+") vals.push(b+a);
            else if(op=="-") vals.push(b-a);
            else if(op=="*") vals.push(b*a);
            else if(op=="/") vals.push(b/a);
        else if(s.charAt(i)==' ')
            vals.push(Double.parseDouble(Character.toString(s.charAt(i)) ));




But when I execute this code for some input, say (1+(2*3)), I get the null pointer exception

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at linkedStack1.pop(linkedStack1.java:47)
    at evaluate.main(evaluate.java:25) 

I have made the comments in front of the specified line numbers, so you can have a look at that, and help me figuring out what's the bug in my code!!

When your stack is empty and you call pop , first.item throws a NullPointerException since first is null.

This means you are popping more elements than exist in your stack here :

        b= vals.pop();            // ERROR SHOWING HERE

you should check the stack is not empty before calling pop.

Your first element is initialized to null .

private node first=null;

But you use it in the pop method running before push() where you assign a new value. Either you initialize first to a valid value or change your code to use push() before the pop() .

A textbook error.

You're comparing references ( == ) not values ( equals() ). The result of the operation is not getting pushed onto the stack

Try this:

        if(op.equals("+")) vals.push(b+a);
        else if(op.equals("-")) vals.push(b-a);
        else if(op.equals("*")) vals.push(b*a);
        else if(op.equals("/")) vals.push(b/a);

In place of:

        if(op=="+") vals.push(b+a);
        else if(op=="-") vals.push(b-a);
        else if(op=="*") vals.push(b*a);
        else if(op=="/") vals.push(b/a);

See also:

How do I compare strings in Java?

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