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Socket connection in swift

I am learning & developing ios application with swift.I have 2 tabs in my app,so I have 2 view controller.I need to connect socket server.But in which file ?

First tab is showing conversations list and second tab is chat interface.User is sending message from second tab.If someone sends a message to this user,I need to show this message in first tab.

I need to connect socket server but in which file ? I mean example: When message arrives to this user i need to save it to database and show user in second tab.Is view controller file good for this case ?

I would recommend checking out Alamofire . It is a fantastic networking library built entirely for Swift and has really picked up in popularity of the past few months. This makes it incredibly easy to call a web service to fetch data.


If you actually need to connect to your server using web sockets, then I'd check out SocketRocket built by the fine folks at Square. Here's a link to their project on Github .

Since you're new to iOS development, I'd suggest a simple architecture where you abstract the network calls out of your view controllers.


  • Internally manages all networking such as SocketRocket
  • Should be a singleton or property on UIApplicationDelegate
  • Has public API for sending message
  • Sends out notifications when it receives notifications back

class ChatManager {

    // Add property for socket

    class var sharedInstance: ChatManager {
        struct Singleton { static let instance = ChatManager() }
        return Singleton.instance

    init() {
        // Create the socket

    func sendMessage(message: String) {
        // Push the message onto the socket

    // Delegate methods

    func messageReceived(message: String) {
        // Emit the message using NSNotificationCenter

View Controller 1

  • Subscribes to notifications from ChatManager

class ViewController1 : UIViewController {
    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

        // Register for NSNotification coming from ChatManager

    override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {


View Controller 2

  • Subscribes to notifications from ChatManager
  • Sends new messages to the ChatManager to push through the socket

class ViewController2 : UIViewController {
    override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

        // Register for NSNotification coming from ChatManager

    override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {


    func userAddedNewChatMessage(message: String) {

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