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Check empty vector in initializer list

I would like initialize base class by a first item form a vector which contains base classes, eg:

struct Base { ... };

struct Derived : public Base
   Derived(const Base& baseClass)
      : Base(baseClass)
   Derived(const std::vector<Base*>& listOfBaseClass)
      : Base(*(listOfBaseClass[0]))

This solution fails when listOfBaseClass vector will be empty. How can prevent this situation. This is simplified example, so calling base class constructor like this:

std::vector<Base> baseClasses;

  Derived myDerived(baseClasses[0]);

it is not solution for my problem. Thanks in advance.

Throw an exception if the list is empty:

 : Base(listOfBaseClass.empty() 
          ? throw std::invalid_argument("Missing base class")
          : *(listOfBaseClass[0])

Non-exception variant by request:

 : Base(( (listOfBaseClass.empty() && exit(0)),
Derived(const std::vector<Base*>& listOfBaseClass)
      : Base(*(listOfBaseClass->at(0)))

"at" provides exception safety. It throws out_of_range if n is out of bounds.


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