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Bitwise operations on Armadillo vectors

I need to do bitwise operations between two vectors. I dont want to use loops. I am using Armadillo. Could anyone help me with this?


By vector I mean a vector template provided by Armadillo library. Something like this:

urowvec newvec1 = zeros < urowvec >(5);

urowvec newvec2 = ones < urowvec >(5);

urowvec newvec3 = newvec1 | newvec2;

But this gives me error with armadillo.


If you implement this:

inline urowvec operator|(const urowvec& lhs, urowvec& rhs){
  // ToDo - operate on an element by element basis, and return
  // a urowvec. Decide on something reasonable if the vectors
  // differ in size.

and make sure this is included in every compilation unit requiring the operator, then urowvec newvec3 = newvec1 | newvec2; urowvec newvec3 = newvec1 | newvec2; will be valid.

You can do the same thing for the other bitwise operators.

Any reasonable compiler will elide the value copy.

to do bitwise operations use the bitwise operators

 |   bitwise or
 &   bitwise and
 ^   bitwise xor
 ~   bitwise not
<<  bitwise shift left
>>  bitwise shift right

if you gave a more specific question you might get a more specific answer. By vector do you mean a std::vector, is it a vector of ints? or do you mean an array of bits?

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