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How Can I Return the Executable's .java file path?

I want to read a number of images which are on a folder called images at the same folder with my source code files. The path I use to read each image, is ..\\images\\imageX.jpg . But it does not recognize it. I am using Netbeans.

This will get you the path to the src/ directory in your web application:

String path = YourClass.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();

You can then append anything you need to navigate to your images directory. So assuming that the images directory were located in a folder inside the src directory, the following should do the trick:

File imageFile = new File(path + "images/imageX.jpg");

Keep in mind that getPath() will return with a trailing forward slash at the end, so you don't need to include one when further resolving the path to your files.

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