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Publishing ZIPs to Artifactory from Jersey/JAX-RS Client

I have a set of requirements that require a Jersey/JAX-RS client to publish ZIP files to repos living on Artifactory. Specifically, I need to publish ZIPs to:


It looks like Artifactory exposes a PUT endpoint :

PUT /libs-release-local/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar {
    "uri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar",
    "downloadUri": "http://localhost:8080/artifactory/libs-release-local/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar",
    "repo": "libs-release-local",
    "path": "/my/jar/1.0/jar-1.0.jar",
    "created": ISO8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ),
    "createdBy": "userY",
    "size": "1024", //bytes
    "mimeType": "application/java-archive",
    "checksums": {
        "md5" : string,
        "sha1" : string
    "originalChecksums": {
        "md5" : string,
        "sha1" : string

Hence it looks like I need to PUT somelib-1.0.0.zip to the URL I identified above. My proposal to do this is as follows:

// Groovy pseudo-code for the PUT entity:
class Publication {
    String uri

    String downloadUri

    String repo

    String path

    Date created

    String createdBy

    Integer size

    String mimeType

    Map<String,String> checksums

    Map<String,String> originalChecksums

However, 2 problems:


The security constraint on this endpoint requires a user with 'deploy' permissions. I have such a user, however I'm not sure how to implement this auth on the client-side. Does Artifactory use basic auth for its endpoints? If so, would something like this work (?):

Client client = Client.create();
WebResource resource = client.resource(BASE_URI);
client.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter("deployuser", "12345"));   // dummy credentials, obviously

PUT Entity

Most importantly , I'm not understanding what the PUT entity should be. Using Jersey/JAX-RS style POJOs, I might do something like:

// Again, Groovy pseudo-code
Publication publication = getSomehow()  // Ideally ZIP is read into portable format by this point


However, I still don't see how/where I send the actual ZIP file. There is the path field, which seems to specify the local (client-side) path to the binary, but that's just a string/reference, not the actual binary to publish!

Also, according to Wikipedia, ZIP media type is application\\zip , but there is no such MediaType defined in JAX-RS.

Any ideas here?

Basic Auth is good. Re the entity, you don't need any. The JSON you see in the docs is the result of the PUT call.

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