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Retrieve column name from a gridcontrol in mvvm design

Hi I am working on a WPF project in which I have a grid control . The itemsSource property of the grid control is bound to a datatable in my viewmodel. I am following the mvvm pattern, so my question is that I need to bind the selectedcell property of the grid control to a property in my view model class. Is it possible to determine the name of the column in which the cell resides by binding it to a property in the view model class. I know an event handler can be attached to the cell which would call a function in the code behind the view, but I dont wish to follow that approach since it would not be mvvm. Kindly help me with any suggestions.

In your XAML bind the CurrentCell property to a DataGridCellInfo in your View Model:

<DataGrid SelectionUnit="Cell"
          ItemsSource="{Binding MyDataTable}"
          CurrentCell="{Binding SelectedCellInfo, Mode=OneWayToSource}"/>

Then in your View Model you can access the header from the bound object:

public DataGridCellInfo SelectedCellInfo
    get { return _selectedCellInfo; }
        _selectedCellInfo = value;
        _columnName = _selectedCellInfo.Column.Header;

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