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Get id values from child inputs and push it to an array in Javascript on change

I am trying to get the values into an array [111, 123, 678, and so on....] basically if click parent check the values or children inputs and an output as array[], same way if checkbox is selected on its own: I am getting a good understanding of JS but still struggling with it. I have a jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/4ofugqvo/ and this is how the js looks like:


    function checkboxGroup() {
      $('#sidebarNav input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function(){

              var checkboxes = $(this).parent().next('ul').find('input[type="checkbox"]');

        //[10101, 191919, 19191, 119191]

        if ($(this)[0].checked == true) {
              $(this).prop('checked', true).attr('checked', 'checked');
        } else {
              $(this).prop('checked', false).removeAttr('checked');


    } checkboxGroup();

I forked the fiddle. http://jsfiddle.net/0g1hk7mt/

I am not quite sure it's what you're after. The array of values is available at the alert in the on change event.

var arr = [];  
function checkboxGroup() {

    $('#sidebarNav input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function(){
      arr = [];      
      var checkboxes = $(this).parent().next('ul').find('input[type="checkbox"]');

      //[10101, 191919, 19191, 119191]

      if ($(this)[0].checked == true) {
            $(this).prop('checked', true).attr('checked', 'checked');
      } else {
            $(this).prop('checked', false).removeAttr('checked');


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