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Remote Validation - No url for remote validation could be found mvc 5 C#

I am currently working on a 4 tier application, Core, Data, Shared, UI currently how it stands all our models are located inside the Shared project which is a class Library in one of the models we have the following implementation:

[Remote("UsernameUnique", "Register")]
public string Username { get; set; }

This currently points to a Json method which is located inside the Register controller which is a part of the UI project as shown here,

public JsonResult UsernameUnique(UserRegistrationPartOne model)
    var t = model;
    return Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

But when I run this project and navigate to the sign up part it throws the error No url for remote validation could be found. I have been looking at the following just confirm I hadn't missed anything:

Remote Validaion inside MVC

According to what they do and what I've done is pretty much Identical, the only thing that I could think off which would be causing this problem is the fact the model is located in the Shared Project whilst its required on a view which is located in the UI Project? or maybe it could be something else?

Your method needs to be

public JsonResult UsernameUnique(string Username)

A RemoteAttribute sends back the value of the property (not a model)

Side note: If you need to send back other properties of your model in order to do the validation, then you can use the AdditionalFields property of RemoteAttribute

public JsonResult UsernameUnique(string userName)

    /// Checking your validation
    return Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

if you want add additional field you can add to Action like

public JsonResult UsernameUnique(string userName, FieldType additionalValue)

And Update the remote attribute like:

[Remote("UsernameUnique", "Register", AdditionalFields = "YourPropName"))]

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