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Python, If statements with payroll program

Hey guys I have to do this payroll program for my programming class, but I'm about to fry my brain, because I can't get to do some if statements with the conditions my assignment is asking for. Here's what I have to do

Salespeople at SoftwarePirates get paid a base salary of $2000 per month. Beyond the base salary, each salesperson earns commission on the following scale:

Sales | Commission Rate | Bonus <10000 | 0% | 0

10000 – $100,000 | 2% | 0

$100,001 - $500,00 | 15% | $1000

$500,001 - $1,000,000 | 28% | $5000

$1,000,000 | 35% | $100,000

The following additional conditions apply:

  1. If a salesperson has taken more than 3 vacation days in a month, their pay gets reduced by $200
  2. A salesperson earns a bonus only if they have been with the company for 3 months or more
  3. For salespeople who have been with the company for more than 5 years and who have made sales greater than $100,000 an additional bonus of $1000 is added

Here's the code I've had so far(it's pretty messy, but I can only use if statements, not while loop or stuff like that since we are following the class book)

name = input("What's your name? ")
time = int(input("Enter the amount of months you've been working for SoftwarePirates Inc.: "))
vacation = input('Have you taken more than 3 days of vacations(yes or no) ')
sales = float(input("What were your sales this year? "))

def comissionOne():
    base = 24000
    print("Your commision rate is 0%, so your salary for the year is $", base)
    if time <=3:
        print("No bonus earned")
    if vacation == 'yes':
        print ("Your salary is reduced by $200 for taking more than 3 days off, leaving you at $", (base-200))
    elif vacation == 'no':

def comissionTwo():
    base = 24000
    print("Your commision rate is 2%, so your salary for the year is $", (base*0.02 + base))
    if time <=3:
        print("No bonus earned")
    if vacation == 'yes':
        print ("Your salary is reduced by $200 for taking more than 3 days off, leaving you at $", (base*0.02 + (base-200)))
    elif vacation == 'no':

def comissionThree():
    print("Your commision rate is 15%, so your salary for the year is $", (base*0.15 + base))
    if time <=3:
        print("No bonus earned")
    elif time > 3 and < 60:
        print("Bonus of $1000 earned")
    elif time >= 60:
        print("Bonus of $1000 for being in the company for over 5 years")
    if vacation =='yes':
        print ("Your salary is reduced by $200 for taking more than 3 days off, leaving you at $", (base*0.15 + (base-200)))
    elif vacation == 'no':

def main():

    print("Hi", name)

    if sales < 10000:
    elif sales >=10000 and sales <=100000:
    elif sales >=100001 and sales <=500000:
    elif sales >=500001 and sales <=1000000:
        print("Your commision rate is 28%, so your salary for the year is $", (base*0.28 + base))
    elif sales >=1000001:    
        print("Your commision rate is 35%, so your salary for the year is $", (base*0.35 + base))


Thank you, hope anyone can guide me through this! I just don't know how to apply the conditions to the final gross pay.

You're writing your if conditions with multiple checks wrong. When you need to check multiple conditions, you are doing this:

if foo > 0 and < 60:
  # then...

But you should be doing:

if foo > 0 and foo < 60:
   # then..

or like this:

if 0 < foo < 60:
    # then...

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