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How to break out of an infinite loop in my program

I am having a problem with my program. I am trying to take a stack of numbers put them in a circular linked queue and then back in the stack. The program compiles and run but after it is finished with everything my program goes in an blank infinite loop. I am assuming that I am it is because of the function isQueue.enqueue(temp) part of code because when I removed it, my program no longer goes in the infinite loop. The problem is I dont see what I am doing wrong that will keep it in a infinite loop.


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "stack.h"
#include "queuei.h"

void stackToqueue(stack &isStack, queue &isQueue)
    int temp;
    stack newStack;
    while (!isStack.isEmpty())
        temp = isStack.pop();
    isStack = newStack;

    while (!newStack.isEmpty())
        temp = newStack.pop();
        isQueue.enqueue(temp);//stuck in loop
    while (!isQueue.isEmpty())
        temp = isQueue.dequeue();
    temp = isQueue.dequeue();

    isStack = newStack;



#include "queuei.h"

    rear = NULL;
    front = NULL;

bool queue::isEmpty()
    if (front == rear)
        return true;

    return false;

void queue::enqueue(int element)
    nodes *temp = new nodes;
    temp->item = element;
    temp->next = NULL;
    if (front == NULL)
        front = temp;
        rear->next = temp;
    rear = temp;
    rear->next = front;
int queue::dequeue()
    nodes  *tem = new nodes;
    tem = front;
    if (front == NULL)

        cout << "\nQueue is Emtpty\n";


        front = front->next;

    return tem->item;

void queue::dequeue(int remove)
    if (front == NULL)

        cout << "\nQueue is Emtpty\n";


        front = front->next;

void queue::displayQueue()
    nodes *p = new nodes;
    p = front;

    if (front == NULL)
        //queue is empty
        cout << "F ";
        while (p != rear)
            cout << p->item << " ";
            p = p->next;

        cout << p->item;

        cout << " L";



Problem is in queue::isEmpty() because it will return true when there is a single node and both front and rear are pointing to same node. Checking if they are Null will solve the problem.

bool queue::isEmpty()
    if (front == NULL && rear == NULL)
        return true;
    return false;

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