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Dart Editor keeps running pub and doesn't stop

Dart Editor keeps running pub in the background. When I click on "Running pub..." in the lower-right corner and then on the red square button in the Progress tab, it says "Cancel Requested", but does not stop running pub. I have tried stopping it from the Tools tab and it says "Pub Serve [stopped]", but it is still running. I have also tried deleting the DartEditor folder to reset the settings. How do I stop it?

You can kill it in the operating systems task manager. After you killed it try running it from the command line interface 'pub upgrade' or whatever pub task you are running. If it still doesn't work try pub upgrade -v or pub upgrade -v > publog.txt and create a bug report at http://dartbug.com .

Sometimes when there are dependencies in your pubspec.yaml where it's hard to find a set of compatible versions pub can take a long time. In this case it might make sense to set tighter constraints than for example any . If you have troubles with this please add your pubspec.yaml file to your question (there is an edit link below the dart tag).

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