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Rendering fullcalendar.io in polymer a core-animated-pages section

I have an app setup using core-animated pages to transition between my section. In one section I am trying to render the fullcalendar plugin ( http://fullcalendar.io/ ). Using the sbg-fullcalendar element to do this: https://github.com/Smorgasbord-Development/sgb-fullcalendar

This works great if i put the element in the first section of my app. The app loads and on the domReady event the calendar renders. However, I want to include in any section and when I do it doesn't render.

I've made updates to sbg-calendar element to listen for the core-animated-pages-transition-end event. The calendar element does catch the event and tries creates a calendar, but it still doesn't render.

Could the rendering issue be because a jQuery selectors don't work in the shadow dom? I'm very new to polymer and unsure about a lot of its inner workings.

Here's my index page.

<core-animated-pages id="pages" selected="{{selected}}" transitions="cross-fade fade-slide-up fade-scale" fit>

        <section layout vertical>

            <categories-page class="page" id="categories" cross-fade?="{{largeScreen}}" fade-slide-up?="{{!largeScreen}}" heading="{{heading}}" flex></categories-page>

        <section layout vertical>
            <calendar-page  class="page" cross-fade?="{{largeScreen}}" fade-slide-up?="{{!largeScreen}}" heading="{{heading}}" flex></calendar-page>

and Calendar Page:

<link rel="import" href="../base-page/base-page.html">

        <!-- Main -->
        <div main layout vertical>
            <core-header-panel id="headerPanel" mode="seamed" flex>
                    <paper-icon-button icon="menu" core-drawer-toggle>
                    <div id="title" flex>{{heading}}</div>

                    <paper-menu-button id="menuBtn" noink>
                        <paper-icon-button icon="more-vert" noink></paper-icon-button>
                        <paper-dropdown class="dropdown" halign="right">
                            <core-menu class="menu">

                <div class="content" style="max-height:1000px;">

                        <sgb-fullcalendar id="calendar" defaultView="month"></sgb-fullcalendar>

    (function () {
            willPrepare: function () {

            getUrl: function (idx) {
                console.log(window.location.pathname + '/' + idx);
                return '/subjects/' + idx;

I've been using Rob Dodson's contacts app as an example for my app too.

I've succeded rendering the fullCalendar on one of my section (I also used the core-animated-pages) by using the domReady method. This is how I would do it in your case :

<polymer-element name="calendar-page" attributes="Your Attribute">
        :host {
            display: block;
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='../fullcalendar/fullcalendar.css'>
    <div id='calendar'></div>
        domReady: function() {
                weekends: false ,
                allDaySlot: false,
                minTime : "06:00:00",
                maxTime : "18:00:00",
                defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
                header: {left:'title', center: 'agendaDay,agendaWeek,month', right:  'today prev,next'},
                googleCalendarApiKey: 'YourApiKey',
                events: {
                    googleCalendarId: 'YourCalendarId',
                eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
                    return false;

Don't forget to link the css file from inside of your element. Hope this help!

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