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Reading 4 bytes from InputStreamReader

I'm having an issue. I'm working on a simple multithread TCP server in Java, and I currently have this problem:

Client can send me an input string, such as

[IDENTIFIER] text\\r\\n

which is okay and I have that done. Every input query needs to be ended by a \\r\\n , except for one case.

This case is when a client send an image as a binary data. This message has following structure:

PHOTO[space][length of data][space][data][4 bytes of checksum in BIG ENDIAN]

and the whole point is to either return a

202 OKAY\\r\\n

message when checksum matches the sum of bits in data, or ...

302 BAD CHECKSUM\\r\\n

... otherwise. However, I'm having some serious issues with reading the 4 bytes. The input source is an instance of InputStreamReader, acquired from:

in = new InputStreamReader(this.clientSocket.getInputStream());

and function InputStreamReader.read() return an int of a char that has been just read. Now, I tried to

            correctChecksumBytes = new byte[4];
            for( int i  = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i ) {
                correctChecksumBytes[i] = (byte) in.read();

            if (correctChecksumBytes == null)   {
                throw new BadSyntax();
            bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(correctChecksumBytes);
            fourByteCheck = bb.getInt();

However, I now understand that casting the int returned from in.read() is wrong, since the result are off by a hige amount. I was lead to believe that usage of ByteBuffer is correct, I just dont know how to fill the byte array with correct values.

I also tried to convert the InputSreamReader into byte array, but I found out that it's not a valid way to go, since a message...

PHOTO[space][length of data][space][data][4 bytes of checksum in BIG ENDIAN][IDENTIFIER] text\\r\\n

...is valid and needs to be interpreted as 2 messages.

I did some tests and found out I successfuly managed to read all the data and compute the valid checksum, so the next 4 bytes in the input are the 4 bytes of checksum, which I did not manage to read yet.

Also, here's an example of a valid PHOTO message

PHOTO 8 ABCDEFGH\\x00\\x00\\x02\\x24

So I'd like to ask, how can I read these 4 bytes and convert them into int to compare with computed checksum?

Thanks a lot

InputStreamReader will read character based data. You have to write your custom InputStream and read x bytes out of it.

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