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I'm not able to connect sftp using expect script

I'm not able to identify where I'm doing wrong.Please let me know if I'm doing wrong.


File_Sftp ()
    set user="xxxx"
    set password="xxxxx"
    set host="ftp.xxxx.xxxx.com"

    expect << EOF
    spawn sftp $user@$host
    expect "User Name:"
    send "$user\r"
    expect "Password:"
    send "$password\r"
    expect "sftp> "
    send "cd in\r"
    expect "sftp> "
    send "get $1\r"
    expect "sftp> "
    send "exit\r"

    if [ "$(echo $STATUS | grep -c 226)" -ge 1 ]; then
      echo "Success";
      echo "Unsuccessful" ;

File_Sftp "/usr/local/bin/xxxxxx.txt"

Whenever I'm trying to execute above shell script I got below error:

send: spawn id exp4 not open
    while executing
"send "\r""

These bash lines don't do what you think:

set user="xxxx"
set password="xxxxx"
set host="ftp.xxxx.xxxx.com"

They are not setting variable values, they are setting the positional parameter $1 to the given string. The actual variables are still unset .

spawn would have failed trying to launch sftp $user@$host (actually sftp @ with the unset variables), the expect "User Name:" would have timed out after the default 10 seconds, and then the error message comes from send "$user\\r" (or send "\\r" with the unset variables) -- no spawned process to interact with.

You can see this if you use expect -d <<EOF while testing (turning on expect's verbose debugging output)

You want


or, since this is bash, and we want to promote good programming practices (no global variables)

local user="xxxx"
local password="xxxxx"
local host="ftp.xxxx.xxxx.com"

Add an expect eof after sending "exit"

To see if 226 appears in expect's output, I would change this

if [ "$(echo $STATUS | grep -c 226)" -ge 1 ]; then


if grep -q '\<226\>' <<< "$STATUS" ; then


if [[ $STATUS == *226* ]]; then

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