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assigning a value to a pointer structure member in c

Im defining ac function and need to assign a value to members of a structure passed by address into the function, for example i defined the structure called cell:

typedef struct AB
{int A;
 char val;

i wrote a function called Available where a cell is passed by address into the function. i need to fill the integer member A within the cell with a parameter given by the user, here is my approach.

void available(cell *c,int v)
{ *c.A=v;

my question is am i able to do so? like *cA=v?

Normally you would use the arrow operator:

c->A = v;

but you can also do it like this:

(*c).A = v;

Note that you need the parentheses to deal with operator precedence in this case.





instead of


The valid assignment will look either like

void available( cell *c, int v )
   ( *c ).A = v;

or like

void available( cell *c, int v )
   c->A = v;

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