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How to build a NetBeans Project in Travis CI?

According to Travis CI steps for building a Java Project, created a .travis.yml file with the following contents:

language: java
  - oraclejdk8
  - oraclejdk7
  - openjdk7
  - openjdk6

When git push is done, Travis automatically starts building and executes ant test . But then it fails because package org.junit does not exist .

I do have tests running locally, and junit is present in .\\lib\\junit_4\\junit-4.10 .

Sorry,but nothing is present in https://github.com/wolfram77/java-spine/tree/master/lib except a netbeans library definition (nblibraries.properties) ... and this might not be enough for building on "Travis CI". Please upload the junit jars to see immediate results, or consider to shift your project to Maven or Gradle.

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