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React JSX: Iterating through a hash and returning JSX elements for each key

I'm trying to iterate through all the keys in a hash, but no output is returned from the loop. console.log() outputs as expected. Any idea why the JSX isn't returned and outputted correct?

var DynamicForm = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    var items = {};
    items[1] = { name: '', populate_at: '', same_as: '', 
                 autocomplete_from: '', title: '' };
    items[2] = { name: '', populate_at: '', same_as: '', 
                 autocomplete_from: '', title: '' };
    return {  items  };

  render: function() {
    return (
      // {this.state.items.map(function(object, i){
      //  ^ This worked previously when items was an array.
        { Object.keys(this.state.items).forEach(function (key) {
          console.log('key: ', key);  // Returns key: 1 and key: 2
          return (
              <PopulateAtCheckboxes populate_at={data.populate_at} />
        }, this)}
        <button onClick={this.newFieldEntry}>Create a new field</button>
        <button onClick={this.saveAndContinue}>Save and Continue</button>
Object.keys(this.state.items).forEach(function (key) {

Array.prototype.forEach() doesn't return anything - use .map() instead:

Object.keys(this.state.items).map(function (key) {
  var item = this.state.items[key]
  // ...

a shortcut would be:

} => <div key={name}>
        <PopulateAtCheckboxes populate_at={data.populate_at} />

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