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Decoding json object in javascript that is returned from ajax

I've prepared an array in php for ajax return with json_encode. When returned through ajax, it is not behaving as I expected.

ajax call and my attempt to interrogate results


              data: {'environmentvars': tmp},
    cache: false,

    success: function(response){
        alert('Returned from ajax: ' + response);
        $j.each(response, function (index,element) {


first alert message:

Returned from ajax: array(5) {
string(8) "showData"
string(6) "ticker"
string(3) "ASC"
string(0) ""
{"actionfunction":"showData","sortparam":"ticker","sortorder":"ASC","page":1,"htmlstring":"","htmltext":"<table id=\"summaryheader\"> [...lots of html...]<\/div>\n"}

Second alert message


Expected result


How can I effectively port my json response into a javascript object environmentvars? Thanks.

You have to make the response valid JSON. It seems you have a print_r statement somewhere in your server side script, whose output gets included into the response. Remove that.

The response is always text, ie a string in JavaScript . You can parse the JSON before processing the data futher ( Parse JSON in JavaScript? ) or tell jQuery to parse it for you, by adding the dataType: 'json' option.

You should specify a dataType parameter in such methods which is basically used to declare the type of data you are expecting from the server.

Here is an example:

  type: "POST",
  url: <your-request-url>,
  data: <your-data>,
  success: function(){ ... },
  dataType: "json"

More details here: https://api.jquery.com/jquery.post/

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