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Refresh DataGridView after INSERT into SQL

I got my form "InsertClient" and I have the button click method

        public void Insert_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MyClass.InsertNewClient(fullNametxt.Text, shortNametxt.Text);

My class recieve this:

    public static void InsertNewClient (String fullName, String shortName)
        SqlConnection conn = DBClass.ConnectionString.GetConnection();
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("MyStoredProcedure", conn);
        cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fullName", fullName);
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@shortName", shortName);
        int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
        if (i == 0)
            MessageBox.Show("Can't save data");
        if (i > 0)
            MessageBox.Show("Data saved!");

The thing is, the data is saved but that the DataGridView does not refresh after each INSERT (button click). I have to close the form and re-open it and appears refreshed.

Please help, I want the DataGridView refresh after INSERT data

cCUSTOMERBindingSource Is the object of my BindingSource generated using ToolBox.

public void ReloadGrid()
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
        cCUSTOMERBindingSource.DataSource = bd.C_CUSTOMER.ToList();
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

this where I called the method

private void bunifuThinButton21_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        C_CUSTOMER cst = new C_CUSTOMER();
        C_ACCOUNT acc = new C_ACCOUNT();

        cst.FIRST_NAME = txtFname.Text;
        cst.MIDDLE_NAME = txtMname.Text;
        cst.LAST_NAME = txtLname.Text;
        cst.LOCATION = txtlocation.Text;
        cst.DATE_OF_BIRTH = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker1.Text);

        acc.ACCOUNT_BALANCE = Convert.ToInt32(txtInitAmoun.Text);
        acc.ACCOUNT_NUMBER = Convert.ToInt32(txtAccNumber.Text);
        cst.TELEPHONE = Convert.ToInt32(txtTelephone.Text);

        cst.DATE_CREATE = DateTime.Now;

        int newID = cstDao.insertCustomer(cst.FIRST_NAME, cst.MIDDLE_NAME, cst.LAST_NAME, cst.LOCATION, cst.DATE_OF_BIRTH, cst.TELEPHONE, cst.MODIFY_BY, cst.DATE_MODIFY, cst.DATE_CREATE);
        acc.CUSTOMER_ID = newID;
        acc.DATE_CREATED = DateTime.Now;
        acc.CREATED_BY = 1;
        int newAccID  = cstDao.insertAccount(acc);

        if(newID != 0 && newAccID != 0) { 
        MessageBox.Show("Insert Succefull", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            MessageBox.Show("Error during the insertion", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);


On Form load

private void Form3_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bd = new Customer_DBEntities();
            cCUSTOMERBindingSource.DataSource = bd.C_CUSTOMER.ToList();


Something like that @mmking, but not exactly I already solved it.. the problem was exactly what @Fabio said...

Inside of the button click method I fill again de DataGridView with the DataSet.

public void Insert_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MyClass.InsertNewClient(fullNametxt.Text, shortNametxt.Text);

Just to get clear... I use the DataGridView of toolbox, select "Choose data source" and select the table that I want to use to fill DataGrid...

I use the DataSetName that gave me by default and put it right like I show it in the code

Hope it helps for future questions

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