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r datetime conversion from chr using strptime gives NA

I have a data frame containing date time information as characters in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm but I can't get it to convert eg

 $ LaserStart : chr  "07/12/2014 11:21" "13/12/2014 05:37" 

I am trying to convert them to date time using

data.LotCT$Start <- strptime(data.LotCT$LaserStart, "%d/%B/%Y %H:%M")

this runs without producing any errors but when I review the dataframe I have only NA

$ Start      : POSIXlt, format: NA NA NA ...

thanks in advance

> x <- "07/12/2014 11:21"
> y <- strptime(x, format='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')
> strftime(y, '%d/%B/%Y %H:%M')
[1] "12/July/2014 11:21"

Just figured it out

data.LotCT$Start <- strptime(data.LotCT$LaserStart, "%d/%B/%Y %H:%M")

should be

data.LotCT$Start <- strptime(data.LotCT$LaserStart, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")

which gives

 $ Start      : POSIXlt, format: "2014-12-07 11:21:00" "2014-12-13 05:37:00"

sorry for bothering you all :)

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